Nov 212016

***** MUST READ *****

Tucker Carlson takes apart left wing news.

Jonathan Allen is a Democrat operative turned “journalist” who has worked for all of the left wing so called political news sites. He has worked for Politico, Bloomberg, Vox, and now Roll Call.

He has just written a hit piece on Jeff Sessions and appeared on Tucker Carlson’s new Fox show.

Carlson’s interview is a must read! Carlson points out the total bias of the left wing news organizations.

Here is the link.

Nov 182016

Donald Trump promised to pick one more person from a list of twenty-one to be his first nominee for the Supreme Court.

The list seems to be a good list, but not without pitfalls.  First , Trump says they all were chosen with the approval of either the Heritage Foundation, or of the Federalist Society.  Both have solid conservative credentials. This seems like a no-brainer, but some on the list are better than the others.

The big concern among some is there lack of a solid paper trail supporting their conservative tag.  The horrible possibility that among them is another Souter.  Who looked good, but was without a conservative paper trail and ended up becoming one of the most liberal Supreme Court Justices.

One name does stand out however!  One with  impeccably conservative credentials, and that person is William Pryor.   Pryor (age 53), is currently a justice on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.  He has a record for standing up for traditional conservative values, and would be a perfect replacement for Scalia.  He has a significant conservative paper trail with almost a perfect record as a jurist.

Pryor has the full support of the senator Jeff Sessions, one of Trumps key advisers.  He should have a leg up on the others.

If nominated he above all other on this list get the full rage from the left.  The howling from the democrats and the mass media will be deafening.  It will make their attacks on Bannon look like a whisper.

And this would be a test for Trump.

The Democrats would filibuster, and the Republicans will have to end the filibuster as a tool to block Supreme Court nominees and we would see if the Republicans have as mush steel as Harry Reid.

It would be a major fight over Pryor, and maybe neither Trump or the Republican have the stomach for it.  To avoid a conflict, Trump would have to pic a nominee that some Democrats would support.  To do this he would have to let some Democrats have a veto over the selection and that would be a disaster.